Parara USA Annual and Momoret Reports

Greetings with Jubek Spirit

To all our community members, elders, and our neighbors. Thank you for your support through out 2014-2015. Your support was critical in helping us complete our community responsibilities. let’s look back and see what we have done together:


501 C3 status: Today, we are a registered tax exempt organization. We spent our time and money on the 501 C3 because it opens many doors for our organization. Today when Wani decide to donate a $1000, he is eligible to receive a portion of that donation back when he files his taxes. This is because of the tax exempt status. Similarly, other business can give us services and products and be able to claim that value in their tax. For example, today we have a free website due to the tax exempt status. We are thankful for your support and volunteers who helped in the application process and changing our bylaws.


Kowrijik is US: Today several children in Kowrijik luri received food and shelter from our assistance. Although the tragic event of Kowrijik luri is life changing, we have planted hope in their hearts. We are thankful for all who contributed and also to our community members and youth in Juba, South Sudan who executed many of these assistance.

Momoret 2015: Bringing our people together is at the heart of our organization. Today, many Bari who attended our annual conference, Momoret 2015 in Kansas City are feeling happier, less stressed, and more motivated because of re-connecting with their brothers and sisters and their culture. For example, our brother Alfonse had reconnected with his brother in Momoret 2015 after 26 years of being apart. This is what we do, we bring our people together. We are very thankful for all the organizers, contributors, supporters, and all who attended. Thank you.


Scholarship: Many students in the USA are struggling with work and school. We help by providing scholarships that help reduce the amount of work they have to do and instead focus on their school. Unfortunately, this year there were no applicants.


We want to hear from you. How are we helping you now? What can we improve?


Thanks to all our supporters, without you, we cannot move toward. Thank you.


How you can help-Action

  • Sign up for monthly contributions ($ 5, $10 per month)
  • Volunteer locally: Create your office
  • Sign up online to our email list
  • Support our next project
  • Volunteer for our 2016 Election




Sokiri Pitia

President, Executive Committee

Parara USA


List of all Reports: click and Download

Parara Annual Report 2014-2015

Momoret 2015-Financial Report

Official Momoret 2015 Report

Thank you for Making Momoret 2015 (Kansas City) a Success

Thank you for Making Momoret 2015 (Kansas City) a Success

You can find pictures on our Facebook page (click here)


Madang Keji Na Bari,

I hope you have made it home safely from Kansas City. It was indeed a great pleasure to see all of you during the conference the unity and love that all of you have shown was immensely great and we hope we continue to show that unity and love amongst ourselves.

On behalf of Parara executive office and the office of secretary general of Parara I would like to thank all of you for coming out to celebrate our 10th anniversary and for your generous contributions, I would also want to take a moment to extent my gratitude to the organizing committee in Kansas city specially ZAHRA, LAKU SAID, NALEKAE and MUSA for doing such an amazing job organizing the event. We all loved Friday night welcoming dinner and the Sunday dinner, we couldn’t have asked for better hospitality. You guys have shown all Bari people across the United States that numbers doesn’t matter in hosting Parara conference all it takes is a commitment.

I would also like to extend my warmest gratitude to Fr. Philip Pitia and Fr. Ambrose for giving us a great culturally centered liturgy with the focus on Parara, I would also want to extent special gratitude to ALFONS for pumping the choir up with those amazing songs, the energy was very alleviating. to a lot of people it ignited memories they have long missed.

Let me take this opportunity to apologize in advance for all the short comings over the weekend in particular timing issues we all know punctuality is not our very strong suite we hope to look back at the event and see where we can improve for better and more efficient ways to conduct the event in the next year. I would like to thank the Bari elders who participated this weekend we in the executive office appreciated all your unwavering support we are looking forward to your participation in the next conference in Virginia thank you all very much.





Special Thanks goes to all the organizers and contributors

1- Father Pitya-Speaker
2- Cosmas Kujjo-Speaker
3- Francis Limbe-Speaker
4- Father Ambrose-Sunday Mass
5- Alfonse Pitya-organizer
6- Zahara Yekisuk-host
7- Musa Jumma-host
8- Jada Lako Sayed-host
9- Anna Modi-host
10- Noel Lako and Doki Na Mogga-moderators
11- The music team (Malesh, Degol, Butrus, Suzie)
12- Nene Lako-Drama
13- The Camera team (Robert Swaka Lino, Loro Mogga)
14- The Momoret organizing committee
15- Everyone that participated and contributed (Thank you)


Momoret 2015 pict for website

Momoret 2015 for website 2

Momoret 2015-Register


Momoret 2015KANSAS CITY 

Come celebrate your 10th Anniversary


Register today deadline 3/30/15.

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Momoret Conference
Momoret 2015: May 23-24, 2015, Kansas City

Register Now (click)

by 3/30/2015 and save $25

Many members of the Bari community worldwide are coming together in Kansas City, Missouri, USA on May 23-24, 2015 to discuss important issues concerning you and to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the founding of Parara USA.
Stay connected, learn, and support your community, if so then you cannot miss this Momoret.
Sneak-peek to the 2015 program:
  • Words from Parara founders/community leaders: History and future
  • Bari cultural strength and survival: crisis action plan
  • Bari Youth
  • Bari into the future
  • Plus more!
  • Artists are welcome
We want you to contribute as a speaker, volunteer, and  connector. Come and make your ideas a reality. You are welcome.
Momoret 2014, Erie PA
Suzie Lado displays excellence award. Momoret 2014, Erie PA
Bari after Sunday Mass. Momoret 2014, Erie PA
Bari children. Momoret 2012, Rochester MN
Momoret Conference
Momoret 2015: May 23-24, 2015, Kansas City

Register Now (click)

by 3/30/2015 and save $25

Conference Venue and Preferred Hotel
Howard Johnson Plaza Kansas City Hotel & Conference center
1601 Universal Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, 64120
Tel: 816-245-5500 (call and reserve today!)
Discounted Group Rate ~ $ 84.33 (tax included) per night until 4/15/2015.
Group Name: Parara USA
Preferred Airport
Kansas city international Airport

Bari mass which is going to be led by Alfonse Pitia and other team of more than 5 best musicians in the Midwest including
– Suzi Lado
– Emmanuel Degol
– Mike (Mokorokon) of Minnesota
– Butrus Lazarus
– and the best guitarist ever Mr . marlesh Mbory of Nebraska
and in addition to Kansas team itself, just imagine how this will be! Kansas City is going to be on fire!! This event is going to be unique of its kind ever, do not miss.
regular registeration:
After 3/30/15,   save $25
Family = $150
Single = $125

Late registeration:
After 3/30/15,   $25 more
Family = $175
Single = $150
Payment at the door, $35 more
Family = $185
Single = $160
Where to send money:
** In order to be recognized, it is very important to contact the primary contact when you make deposit or send a check. You must also write your name on the deposit slip when you make deposit at a branch.
Primary contact: Tombe Wani Suliman (773-431-2041) and Lodule Kennedy (717-314-6889)
Secondary contact: Louis Lado (515-707-7440) or sokiri Pitia (603-969-0707)
1. By Mail
Checks payable to “Parara USA” and send checks to:
Tombe Suliman
3860 East New York street, Aurora, IL 60504
2. In person
Deposit money to:
1. Account name: Parara USA
Bank: Wells Fargo
Checking acct # : 301-2174-375
** Please contact Tombe when you make a deposit
2. Account name: Parara USA
Bank: US Bank
Checking acct # : 130120015164
** Please contact Tombe when you make a deposit 
3. Online 
Pay and Register securely through Paypal at Parara USA official Website 

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BARI in USA Condemn the Attack on Kworijik Village


January 22nd, 2015

The Bari Community in United States of America (Parara-USA) unanimously and strongly condemns the recent unprovoked, ruthless and coldblooded assault that led to the killing; abduction of children and women; cattle theft; displacement; and destruction of farms and properties in KwÖrijik Luri village in Northern Bari Payam of Juba County that occurred on the 18th-19th, January 2015. The indiscriminate brutal attack by the lawless and heavily armed Mundari paramilitary left Bari men, women and children dead. Houses and crops are burnt down to ashes. Bari children and women are abducted to be sold out and enslaved. Numerous heads of cattle are looted.

It is worth mentioning that it is not the first time that the same paramilitary Mundari cattlemen attacked the peaceful Bari population of the Northern Bari Payam since the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. On April 23, 2009 similar armed Munadri militia launched an unprovoked violent assault on the village of NyarkÖnyi (Jebel Ladu) that led to similar casualties to life and property.

Based on the abovementioned pattern and frequency of events, it has become evident that the Mundari cattlemen have ill intentions towards the Bari people in general and the indigenous Bari people of Northern Bari Payam in particular. The level of armament and skill in operating advanced military-grade weaponry indicate that Mundari cattlemen actions are intentional and premeditated aiming to annihilate the Bari population through occupation of their native land; abduction of their children and women; and seizure of their wealth—all of which are in utter violation of human rights and rule of law.  

Therefore, we demand the government of Central Equatoria State (CES) of South Sudan as part of its leadership responsibilities to partake the following:

  • Provide and continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the displaced families as a sign of its leadership responsibility.
  • Identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
  • Urgently prosecute the perpetrators through the legal system.
  • Immediately work to return the abducted children and women
  • Return all of the stolen livestock and other properties to their rightful owners
  • Compensate the impacted Bari communities for the damages inflicted upon them due to lack of CES law enforcement agents timely response.
  • Permanently relocate and evacuate the Mundari cattlemen out of the entire Northern Bari Payam areas.
  • Station permanent CES police contingents in the affected area.




Kworijik Humanitarian Fund- Donate

Kworijik Humanitarian Funds

The recent (1/18/15) attack on Bari village of Kwerijik near Juba, South Sudan had resulted in the death of 11 persons and left many displaced. Displaced women, children, and injured Bari are now suffering and residing in schools. They are in need of humanitarian assistance. Your donations will help get necessities such as water, food, and blankets. Please donate.

Your donation is critical. It will help.

Urgent Deadline: Tuesday 3/4/2015

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$3,000Raised $2,115 towards the $3,000 target.$2,115Raised $2,115 towards the $3,000 target.71%
















Help Support Our Community. Donate Today.

How to Donate Online: Instructions..(click here)
pdf-How to Donate Online-Instructions


Thank you

Bari Village Attacked near Juba, South Sudan, 1/18/2015

[Radio Tamazuj. village near south sudan capital attacked. access 1/20/15]

JUBA (20 Jan.)

At least 11 civilians have been killed and three wounded in an attack on Kworijik near Juba in Central Equatoria State, according to Northern Bari Payam chief James Yacoub, who blamed the attack on Mundari raiders from neighboring Terekeka County.

The attack took place on Sunday and clashes continued until Tuesday. Multiple sources said the first attack took place while Vice President James Wani Igga was at the village attending prayers, though there are no clear indications that he was targeted.

Chief James blamed herders from Terekeka County for the attack saying they often come to Kworijik area and destroy crops. He told Radio Tamazuj there were about 50 attackers, some of whom were wearing military uniforms and others using weapons such as PKM machine guns.

A woman from the area told Radio Tamazuj, “This happened on Sunday at around 1:00 while we were at prayers. Wani Igga was there, we were listening to the word of the Lord. Then we began to hear gunfire and weapons and the sounds of death,” she said. Another attack came the next morning at around 10:00, she said.

Another source, a villager, said that raiders targeted their cattle.

For his part, the former mayor of Juba Al Haj Baballah accused the state government of not doing enough to contain the situation, pointing out the travel time between the village and Juba is only about 15 minutes. He said that the ‘777’ unit was dispatched to the area but did not have orders to intervene.

Baballah said he traveled to the village and witnessed homes on fire and people fleeing. He demanded that the government provide security to citizens. He also pointed to the lack of reconciliation events between Mundari and Bari tribes in the post-CPA years.

Meanwhile, the representative of the constituency in the legislative assembly, Paul Longale Jumi, said it was not clear the motive for the attack. “This is now the second or the third time and we don’t know exactly what the motive is, but what we are now concerned about is now the population,” he said, referring to the displaced citizens.