Greetings with Jubek Spirit
To all our community members, elders, and our neighbors. Thank you for your support through out 2014-2015. Your support was critical in helping us complete our community responsibilities. let’s look back and see what we have done together:
501 C3 status: Today, we are a registered tax exempt organization. We spent our time and money on the 501 C3 because it opens many doors for our organization. Today when Wani decide to donate a $1000, he is eligible to receive a portion of that donation back when he files his taxes. This is because of the tax exempt status. Similarly, other business can give us services and products and be able to claim that value in their tax. For example, today we have a free website due to the tax exempt status. We are thankful for your support and volunteers who helped in the application process and changing our bylaws.
Kowrijik is US: Today several children in Kowrijik luri received food and shelter from our assistance. Although the tragic event of Kowrijik luri is life changing, we have planted hope in their hearts. We are thankful for all who contributed and also to our community members and youth in Juba, South Sudan who executed many of these assistance.
Momoret 2015: Bringing our people together is at the heart of our organization. Today, many Bari who attended our annual conference, Momoret 2015 in Kansas City are feeling happier, less stressed, and more motivated because of re-connecting with their brothers and sisters and their culture. For example, our brother Alfonse had reconnected with his brother in Momoret 2015 after 26 years of being apart. This is what we do, we bring our people together. We are very thankful for all the organizers, contributors, supporters, and all who attended. Thank you.
Scholarship: Many students in the USA are struggling with work and school. We help by providing scholarships that help reduce the amount of work they have to do and instead focus on their school. Unfortunately, this year there were no applicants.
We want to hear from you. How are we helping you now? What can we improve?
Thanks to all our supporters, without you, we cannot move toward. Thank you.
How you can help-Action
- Sign up for monthly contributions ($ 5, $10 per month)
- Volunteer locally: Create your office
- Sign up online to our email list
- Support our next project
- Volunteer for our 2016 Election
Sokiri Pitia
President, Executive Committee
Parara USA
List of all Reports: click and Download